If you are seeking for amazing domain name management opportunities as well as exclusive domains registration rates you have reached the right place. Look into 800-DOMAIN.com’s video demonstration to discover just what 800-DOMAIN.com offers for your domain names.

We provide you with over 50 exclusive domain name extensions, or TLDs, at cheap pricing. For most of those, we’ve got a direct contract together with the body, responsible for that TLD, that enables us to offer lower domain name registration rates. Moreover, since we are in direct contact with the domain registrar, all changes you will be making to your domain names are going to multiply around the globe much more quickly.

For the purpose of domain management, we now have made a unique domain management tool – 800-DOMAIN.com’s Domain Names Manager. It is an vital component of the Web Site Control Panel and it will help you effortlessly handle multiple domain names at the same time. Also, it is packed with invaluable tools, for instance a domain name redirection tool, a GeoIP redirection service and much more. Because the Domain Manager is part of 800-DOMAIN.com’s Control Panel, in case you have your website hosted with 800-DOMAIN.com, you can manage your domain names and also your sites from the exact place, without the need for any extra panels.

When you manage a web store, or you mean to basically create an alternative secureness level for one’s site, now we have an excellent option for you – SSL Services. You can receive an SSL certificate directly from the Control Panel and now we will even set it up automatically for your personal websites. You don’t need to go to 3rd party suppliers and after that battle with the SSL certificate installment and configuration.

As an extra security level for your domain names, furthermore we offer a WHOIS Privacy Protection solution. Using the Whois Privacy Protection service, we are going to conceal your own private information from your domain name’s Whois. This drastically decreases the likelihood for cyber theft and in addition it reduces the number of spam emails you will get in your Whois–associated address.
