When you are searching for a better web hosting service and wish to change your hosting provider, you'll have to migrate the site content to the web hosting servers of the new firm. While this may be executed without difficulty for a little HTML website, it could be harder to move a script-driven site, which employs a database, let alone if you have several websites. You'll have to transfer a large number of files, databases and e mails, not mentioning that you'll have to import everything on the new server and adjust many system settings as to get the Internet sites online on the new Internet hosting platform. To save you the time and the hassle to move your content, we supply a totally free website migration service, so with respect to the kind of hosting and the particular plan that you select, our technical support can easily move even multiple sites for you, making sure that the way they look and perform shall be precisely the same.

Assisted Website Migration in Cloud Hosting

After you get your new cloud hosting account, you could contact our technical support team and arrange the migration of your sites, which typically does not take more than 2 days. The number of websites that we're able to relocate for you depends upon the plan which you choose upon signup, but there is no plan in which this service isn't available, so we will be able to aid you even if you have just one small Internet site and you prefer that our skilled staff executes the migration. The only 2 demands are the current hosting server to be running on Linux and the platform which you have employed to produce the website in the first place not to be a closed-source one like Jimdo or Wix as they don't allow access to the files. We'll transfer any sort of site whatever the hosting CP that you currently employ and our offer is valid for both custom-made Internet sites and ones designed with well known script-driven apps for example Joomla or WordPress. As soon as our support team transfers everything, they'll check out the sites as to ensure that they're functioning adequately and shall then let you know that you can change the name servers of your domains and point them to our cloud platform.